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This coming Saturday, 25th of May, 2013, at 10:30a.m, the Sisters of Entering the Stream Monastery warmly welcome you to join The Buddha Birthday Celebration with us at 221 Maria’s Lane, Beaufort V IC.
The program as follow:
                        Sitting and Chanting                
                        Incense Offering
                        Praising the Buddha
                        Bathing the baby Buddha ceremony
Your presence will be a great happiness and nourishment for everyone and younger generations.
The Sisters.

Our six new Sisters from  Plum Village Thailand.
They arrived with us during the first two weeks of March, and they will take part in the up-coming Retreat Tour. So you will all have the chance to meet them personally – and to be delighted. Their freshness and their mindfulness is something that touches the heart, and we are very fortunate. The Sisters will be based at Nhap Luu, and their presence and their participation once they’ve settled in, will make a huge difference to the entire Australian Sangha. English lessons are planned,. but they already chant a small repertoire in English so beautifully! Our New Sisters names are: Sr Thich Nu Chan The Nghiem; Sr Thich Nu Chan Quang Nghiem, Sr Thich Nu Chan Khuyen Nghiem, Sr Thich Nu Chan Xuong Nghiem, Sr Thich Nu Chan Trung Ngoc, and Sr Thich  Nu Chan Thuan Nghiem.

DANA, or generosity is the opposite of grasping (attachment), and a characteristic cultivated in all Buddhist groups. Traditionally monastics depend on the generosity of the lay Sangha for their livelihood and the necessities of life. Donations to the Sisters of Nhap Luu may be made by cheque, made out to Unified Buddhist Church Australia, and posted to PO Box 10, Beaufort, Vic, 3373; or by EFT to BSB 633000, A/C No 137099818. Regular (monthly) affordable, automatic transfers are also something you could consider setting in place.

All communications - contributions,suggestions, offers of service, and requests to go on or off the newsletter mailing list, should be directed to: nhapluunews@gmail.com
Written articles for the newsletter are always welcome.

Easter Retreats 2013
Sydney – March 29-31
Brisbane – April 5-7
Nhap Luu – April 12-14
Adelaide – April 19-21  

NHAP LUU MONASTERY April 12-14 2013

Friday 12th April from 3.00 onwards, for registration, dinner, and orientation at 8.00 END: Sunday 14th April 3.00 pm
THE RETREAT will be lead by the Sisters of Nhap Luu Monastery, and INCLUDES  three Vegan meals a day, and simple accommodation (inside Peace House, and/or camping). If you are driving, please bring your own bedding (mattresses provided), but if you are coming by public transport, let us know, and we can provide  everything  you need.  Also, if you are are coming by public transport and need a pick up from Beaufort Station, please give us details and advance warning.
Please be sure you bring warm clothes - socks, sweater, warm (thermal) underwear, jacket, gloves, etc) in case the temperature drops. This can happen quite dramatically in this region. 
OPTIONAL: YOU ARE INVITED to help us better protect our planet, by bringing - if you choose - your own cloth table napkin/serviette (less trees will be unnecessarily cut down because of you!) and keeping it with you throughout the retreat. Also, if you like, your own mug which will reduce the waste we create with disposable cups.
A DONATION of $180.00 is requested, to cover costs (or pro-rata at $60.00 per  day)
CONCESSIONS are available, at $40.00 per day.
Han Chau 0431062878  baohansandy@yahoo.com
Brisbane:  Karen Lavin   0418935462  dancinglemur@live.com.au               
Lorraine Brosnan 0416181714  lorraine18@aapt.net.au
Sydney:   Tu Dang : 0410041876  camtu.dang2012@gmail.com.
Adelaide:  Wesley Trotman   0427699913   wes_t102@westnet.com.au

Thay in Thailand
For those who might like to participate in a retreat lead by our Teacher himself, but are not able to go further afield right now - a reminder that in April 2013 Thay starts his 2013 South East Asia Tour - in Thailand. There are two retreats  there, and the details are up on the Thai Plum Village website. Register on line. Some Sangha members have already decided to attend, and it could be really wonderful for a group to share the experience! www.thaiplumvillage.org The tour goes on after that to Hong Kong and Korea but we haven’t researched detail of those sectors.

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